Welcome to Cranky Puppy Farm!

This blog belongs to two Gen X-er's smackdab in downtown Kansas City where we've been renovating and decorating two old Victorians built in the 1890's. Our life is filled with 3 demanding Pomeranians (1 of them cranky, of course), honking cars, noisy neighbors and the hustle and bustle of city life but we dream of the day when we can move to our 40-acre farm and hear nothing but the wind and the cows next door. Until then, we're chronicling our triumphs and mishaps here as we try to garden and preserve on 2 city lots, raise chickens, and learn all those things we should have learned from our grandparents. Welcome to our world - we hope you'll stay awhile!

February Egg Update

Monday, February 20, 2012

Just a quick post this morning to give you an update on egg totals because the girls have really picked up production!  I'm guessing it's the fact that the weather has been so warm and the days are now getting longer.  As you may remember, we are NOT giving them artificial light.  These numbers are from our 5 Austrolorps and 4 Barred Rock hens that are about 10 months old.

So, in January, they laid just over 7 dozen (89 eggs).  We've still got a 1/3 of February to go and they are up to 112 as of last night.  I expect February's total may be double that of last month.  I've put a tracker on the side bar to the right so that we can keep track of the totals.  And, yes, I am a complete nerd...I have a spreadsheet broken out by month with egg totals, expenses, and egg sales.  This isn't a business, but I'd like to know if this is a cost-effective hobby.  :-)

These are way more eggs than the two of us can eat, so I've been very blessed to be able to give some away and both friends and co-workers are lining up to "order" our eggs at $2.00 a dozen.  And, with the requests for 5 dozen from my new quilting friends, it should pick up the slack and completely pay for the hens' food. 

I hear one of the girls out in the coop doing their "touchdown dance", which means there's at least one new egg out there for me to grab.  So I'm off to have a very fresh omelet. 

Have a great Monday!


  1. I had a similar experience with my hens the same age. Laying slowed during the coldest darkest months, but never ceased. I just adapeted our egg use. The following summer, when we had a glut of eggs, I froze about 13 dozen. Very handy during the next year's moulting and winter months. We didn't use artificial light either.

  2. Hi, Leigh! You know, I had no idea that you could freeze eggs. They don't burst the shells when they freeze? Hmm...

    I've read that you can cover store bought eggs with mineral oil all over their shells and they will stay good for up to 11 months. Not that I need any store bought eggs!

    I'm having a good time following your adventures with the kichen reno. I can't wait to see that floor when it's put down.


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