Cranky Puppy has been strangely silent the past couple of days and I apologize for that, but we were super busy finishing up our vacation, our own "honey do" list (which included getting the truck into the shop and the garage repaired after
this incident), and tackling this project for J.'s brother:
I tried to talk them into using half of this for a chicken coop so that my girls could have a vacation home, but they didn't seem convinced. |
Man, we couldn't have asked for nicer weather while we were on vacay. Except for the one day at the Baker Creek festival where it was in the 90's, it was basically in the 70's and sunny. We got lots done and there's lots going on in the garden now, so let's take a quick tour.
Early Girl tomatoes are already outgrowing their cages. |
I snagged some Purple Cherokee and Rutgers heirlooms yesterday at Home Depot, as I managed to neglect my tomato seedlings enough that they died when I tried to harden them off. So much for starting from seed. I may try some more pepper plants this season, since it's really not too late. But I wanted to get the tomatoes in the ground and going.
Cute littel Yukon Gold potato plants are now almost 5 inches tall. I'll have to mulch these with straw by the end of the week, I bet. |
The green beans are going gangbusters and already have flowers on them. Since this is our first year growing these, I was surprised. Shouldn't they be taller? |
The bean flowers sure are pretty, aren't they? They're so dainty and delicate. |
Just to the right of this picture is the spaghetti squash that will be overtaking these beans if I don't get off my duff. We had the trailer out as part of our shed-building project, so I took it over to Tractor Supply and finally got my goat panel, which I'll be using as an arched trellis. Basically, I'm going to have the cucumbers go up one of the arch and the squash up the other side, where they'll shelter the beans underneath. We'll see how that works out. I'll be putting that in later this week, so I'll have pics in a later post.
I did get one of my "to-do's" from April done this weekend finally - my friend, Paula, and I had our garage sale on Saturday. That forced me to organize the garage, basement, laundry room and dining room as well as go through a bunch of our books. I made $73 and change in 5 hours and got rid of 8 Rubbermaid containers of stuff, so I'm calling that a success. Even if I was a month late.
What's up in your neck of the woods?
I've shared this post with this week's Barn Hop and Garden Life link ups. Clicky to find out what everybody's up to this week!
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