Thursday, April 12, 2012

March in Review

Um, I just realized that I forgot to do a goal update at the end of March?  I swear I would lose my head sometimes if it weren't attached.  I hope you can pretend it's March 31st for the next 5 minutes or so.  Pretty please? I'm only 12 days late.

So here's how we did on last month's to-do list:

March To-Do List:
Till up the garden beds and lay in new (old) compost
Start tomatoes, peppers and flowers seedlings indoors
Build two potato bins and plant the Yellow Finns
Build trellis for cucumbers and spaghetti squash
Research and start a "chicken treat" garden
Make our own first loaf of bread
Finish organizing the basement and pantry
Get ready for the yard sale in April
Fix the bikes and make time to ride

Not as good as I would have liked, but this quilting class has kept me busy!  For the cuke trellis, I'm going to buy a fence panel from Tractor Supply and create an arch in the raised bed for the vines to train onto.  But the little squash plants are just now breaking the top of the soil and we've got some time before they need a trellis.  The yard sale has been pushed back to May 12th (thank goodness!) so I have a little bit more time to figure out what I want to sell.  And we got the bikes out of the basement only to find that we needed new innnertubes.  We've got them, but they need to be put on before we can be rolling. So that leads me to the.....

April To-Do List:
Finish my first quilt and find someone to quilt it for me
Install the bunny fence around the raised beds
Install the trellis for cucumbers and spaghetti squash
Start growing the "chicken treat" garden
Get ready for the yard sale on May 12th
Fix the bikes and make time to ride

You know, looking at this list, I just realized that I could get alot more done if I didn't have to work or if there were 12 more hours in the day.  I suppose I'm not the only one to make that observation.  ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Gee, at least you guys MADE a list! I haven't even gotten that far!
