Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's Hug Your Dog Day

Actually, yesterday was and I missed it!  Not that I don't regularly love up my ornery little furry rapscallions every single day of their lives.

So I'm declaring today National Hug Your Dog Day II.  So get out there and give those pups some luvin'!

Our first Pomeranian, Foster.  Alpha dog that rules the house with an iron fist.  She has J. wrapped around her little paw and knows it.   Hobbies:  hiding, pooping under the china cabinet (as a puppy), ignorning Mom, eating Cheerios and humping dogs 3 times her size.
Age: 15 years old. 
WARNING:  The following picture contains gratuitous puppy pornography.  Parents, you've been warned.

Sometimes the victims don't have to be 3 times her size.  Poor Domino was trying to take a nap when he was the victim of a sneak attack here.
Finnegan, our middle child.  Answers to Finn, Finnebuka, Puka Smuka and a myriad of silly names that I've come up for him over the years.  Member of the 10th Street Fat Boy Club (along with J.)  Notoriously cranky when new people are around, which is where the Farm got its name.   Finn is in the center of the farm's logo.  Hobbies:  fierce protector of the house and yard from interlopers and mailman demons, snoozing on the loveseat next to Mom, finding snackies and a good arm-humpin' once in awhile.
Age: 8 years old
Look at that adorable face.  Is he not just the cutest little love bug?  Finn is a beaver (no, not the animal, silly!) which is just a description for his coloring.  His nose and poochie paw pads are brown instead of black.  He can melt you with one look from his big brown puppy eyes.

Heeeeerrrreeeeeee's Domino!  Our youngest furkid and fearless daredevil with 9 lives.  Answers to Domino, Donno, Puppy, Bootie and Muka.  Hobbies: Woohooing (anywhere but especially as fast as we can go through the house and over the furniture), smooching anybody that will sit still, licking my hoomans, getting puppy massages from Mom, stealing pork chops and cake off the counter, catching Cheerios out of the air and anything that anybody is eating.
Age: 5 years old
Like Finn, Domino's is a momma's boy and follows me through the house to be near me.  He is a true lover and thinks everyone is a friend just waiting to be met.  While Finn would try to bite you if you were in our house, Domino would try to kill you with kisses.  He is a true lovebug at heart.  Over the years, he has eaten several harnesses (didn't like those darn things), eaten mouse poison, and eaten a whole piece of stolen chocolate cake.  So now you know why we say he is part cat and has 9 lives. 

Well, those are the furry critters here at Cranky Puppy.  I'm being reminded now by Domino that I'm spending too much time on this computer and not enough time petting pooches, so I'll sign off now.

Have a great Hug Your Dog day, everyone!

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