Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Cool Surprise

In real life, I'm an "IT guy (girl)" but sometimes technology can be a real pain.  After much deliberation, I ended up replacing my dead desktop PC with an HP Ultrabook laptop.  It's blazingly fast, which is great, but it doesn't have a CD\DVD drive and that's making it a pain to get all my software reinstalled.  There are benefits, however:  I can go sit out on the patio and blog to my heart's content if I want.  And I gained a ton of desk space and I'm loving that!

Today brought a present surprise that I suppose is tech-related also.   I had submitted a question a couple of months ago to the Timber Press Garden Problem Solver folks back when my tomatoes were having all those problems.  You can see my question and answer and submit your own questions here

The Timber Press folks gave me some great advice and apparently my question entered me into a weekly drawing.  And I won!  The prize was a copy of their book titled "What's Wrong With My Vegetable Garden?" by David Deardorff and Kathryn Wadsworth.  It was waiting for me when I got home from work today.

Flipping through it, I can see that it has a ton of full-color photographs which can be really helpful if you're trying to identify an issue or bug. It focuses on 100% organic gardening practices, which is a must.  The reviews that I've read for the book state that it's a very informative, beautiful and practical.   I am so happy to have received this book after all the problems that I've had with the garden this year, and I can't wait to sit down and read through it from cover to cover.

Well,that was the highlight of my day today.  If Microsoft Office ever finishes its 6 hour installation (lol), my plan is to go check out some of your blogs and then turn in for the night.

What have you been up to so far this week?  Any pleasant surprises come your way?


  1. Congrats on winning the book! I was lucky to receive a $10 Amazon gift card...but you already knew that :) I used it toward Hubs b-day present the other day.

    Enjoy reading you new book, and enjoy your new laptop!

  2. Congratulations CP. I could have used that book yesterday. I had one last Lemon Oxhart tomato that I was waiting to ripen a bit before picking. I checked on it yesterday and it was COVERED with little orangey red bugs that were a little less than 1/2" each. Haven't seen them until now. And, it started raining before I could go back & grab my camera.

  3. Congrats on the new computer and the book! Sounds like both are good ones. Good luck with those installations!
