Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wishing the Day Away

Driving home from a doctor's appointment late today, a shadow fell over my car.  It too me a minute to realize that it was a cloud blotting out the sun.  In fact, it was downright cloudy and that's something we haven't seen here in weeks.  With temps hitting 106 today, it was a small but welcome respite from the neverending glare of the sun beating down on us.  I am tired of being inside and running from car to work and car to home.  I'm sure I'm not the only one.

That picture is the sky taken from my back patio tonight right before J. and I left to have dinner with some friends.  I had just enough time to snap the one shot and to say a silent prayer that those dark clouds would rain down on us.  That prayer was answered with just seven raindrops on our windshield and no more.  It is not yet to be.

There are other dark clouds in our lives right now.  A co-worker, a friend, was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer several months ago.  I know many of you know what that means.  He has fought a long, hard fight but it is now coming to a close.  In just 24 hours, he has gone from being someone making plans to have lunch to someone who doesn't recognize his family.  While his spirit persists, his body is shutting down.  I am sad, of course, for losing this person from my life, sad for his family and friends, sad that I didn't get a chance to know him better and angry that this would happen to such a good person.  And, in reflection, I am thinking about how fleeting life it is.  This could be any of us.  If I could have one wish, it would be to take this kind of pain away for Dan, for his family....for all of us.

Sorry to be so negative today in light of the fun post from last night. But today has thrown a loop as life always does. I want to thank everyone who has entered the giveaway so far, as I couldn't help but laugh out loud at some of the entries.  I think the folks in the doctor's office thought I was a bit nuts.

Good night, everyone....


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Prayers for his family and friends.

  2. Cancer sucks. Pancreatic cancer really sucks.

  3. Oh, S, I'm so sorry about your friend... having just gone through it, I know how hard it is. Prayers coming your way.

  4. Thanks, everyone, for your really kind words. Dan passed away yesterday morning in his sleep surrounded by his family. While everyone was expecting it, of course we are sad at losing him. We weren't the closest of friends but it still hurts to lose someone that you have know and worked with for several years. He was a very friendly, honest, hardworking guy and he lit up with a room with his humor. He will be missed by everyone.
