Sunday, July 08, 2012

More Fun With Canning Labels

Hi, I'm Cranky Puppy....

 and I'm addicted to designing canning labels.  That's right....I can't stop! 

There are so many creative things you can do with these with just Microsoft Word and Paint.  Look at what I put together while goofing off and watching a movie last night.

Click to biggify!

Wouldn't it be fun to give these to someone?  My favorite is the Blackberry Jelly.  The blackberries on that one and the bee on the "Pure Honey" label are just Word Art. If you want to customize these, I've made the blank backgrounds available to you here.  (Biggify to 200% to get them to the correct size for a wide-mouth canning jar.)  Please feel free to use them as you wish - the only thing I ask is that you link to this post if you repost labels that you've made with them.

One note:  I recommend a color laser printer if you're going to print labels of this quality.  Print them on photo paper so they're nice and glossy or Avery labels.  I picked up some laminating sheets at Hobby Lobby for 50% off yesterday and will go over the top to protect them from spills, etc.  And, as I mentioned before, you could leave the date off and write it on with erasable pen onto the laminate if you want to reuse these labels over and over again.

If you don't have time or inclination to design your own labels, there are lots available for free online as well.  Here are just a few that I've come across:

Some elegant, customizable designs from Ball Fresh Preserving:

Cute and simple designs from A Sonoma Garden

Printable marmalade labels from Wendolonia.  I love this design!

Yummy vintage wallpaper design from Merriment Design

These are just a few of the lovely labels available for both regular and wide-mouth jars at About.Com

And here are a few others you might want to take a look at:

I just think these are so much fun.  I may very well go label everything in my kitchen and, if J. and the dogs stand still long enough, I'll label them also!

If you've created your own labels or come up with some creative labelling ideas, I'd love to hear about it.  Please leave me a comment or email me!


  1. Thank you I am looking for labels for my products . I will share if it works yeahhhh.

  2. OMG! LOVE THESE#!!!!! I was given a huge bunch of apples tonight and am going to turn them into apple butter tomorrow... I want me some purty labels!!!!! Thank you!

  3. Love them! Thank you! I was just telling Mister this morning how I needed some of these!

  4. I love these! I wish I canned because I would so be using these! Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party!


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Holly. I was thinking you could use these for just about anything. Gift tags? Storage in the pantry? The sky's the limit!

  5. Thanks for linking up! I featured you today!

  6. I thought these were so great and I appreciated you sharing them with BeColorful so I featured your post this week on Motivated Monday

  7. I love these! Thank you for linking this up at the Carnival of Home Preserving!

  8. I love your canning labels and your thought process from what I have read. I have been making different types of pepper jellies ( garlic, habanaro gold, pineapple, bluebery, blackberry, Cherry, peach, Mango, 3 pepper, 5 pepper, 8 pepper,Cranberry etc. )to be sold at three different fall events in my area to make Christmas money. I can send you my email address I just wasn't sure how to here?
    I wanted to know if you would be interested in creating some canning jar labels that I could print and my pay you. The earliest bazare is in November. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you so very much. Bonnie

    1. Thank you so much and I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying the canning labels. I'd be happy to help design some labels for you. You can email me at - let me know what you'd like to include on them, how you want them to look etc. Sounds like fun!
