Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Happy Birthday, America!

Several years ago, J. and I set off on a visit to New York to see the sites and visit a friend after 9/11.  The highlight of the trip for me was the boat ride to Ellis Island to see Lady Liberty.  The sky was beautiful on this windy, crisp January day and the waters were choppy.  But once we arrived, I was awestruck by this piece of history and what she stands for.  Pictures simply cannot do her justice.

This picture is my favorite, so I thought I would share it with you today, America's birthday.

On this Fourth of July, please take some time from the fireworks, tasty barbecue, and fun to gather your friends and family and remember why we celebrate this holiday.  Today is all about the birth of this great nation and the freedom that we hold so dear.  We shouldn't take it for granted because it can slip away when we're not looking. 

I hope all of you have a safe and happy 4th!


  1. Beautiful picture! I've only visited her from the boat or plane passing by.

  2. Thanks, DFW. I hope you had a great fourth!

  3. Great picture! We do live in a great nation!

    Thanks for visiting me at A Season for All Things. With all your comments, I've been able to get my tomato plant on the mend. ~ Ellen
