Thursday, June 07, 2012

A Visit to Waldo's Farmers Market

Last night after work I hurried down to the Waldo Farmer's Market to pick up my sweet potato slips, since it was the last time that they had scheduled.  I was a little worried that they might not have any left since I was showing up not too long before they were closing.  But no worries...I got my slips!

They were selling a bundle of 10 for $5.40, so I picked up 2 of the tricolor (on the left), followed by 4 Marquerite in the middle and 4 Blackies (Ace of Spaces) on the right.  That one little tricolor is looking a little worse for wear, so we'll see if it survives.  I hope to get these in the ground tonight after I get off work.

Waldo has a cute little farmer's market with about 10 vendors or so.  While I was there, I chatted with some Amish folks who had fresh cheddar and other cheeses but, unfortunately, they were out of the farmhouse cheddar that I was interested in trying. I'll have to check back next Wednesday. 

Another couple was selling homemade jams and jellies from local K. Kringle and Co in Independence, Missouri and I was intrigued by their Blackberry Chardonnay jelly.  According to those lovely folks, the chardonnay lends a certain creaminess to the jelly. 

My $6 blackberry jelly amid a gang of tomatoes freshly picked from our garden this morning.   About 1.3 pounds!

I couldn't wait to get it home to J. so that we could try it since he fancies himself a blackberry jam connosieur.  All I can say is....WOW!  Just extraordinarily good.  We will be coming back for more, KK & Co.  According to their website, they are at pretty much all of the local farmer's markets so I highly recommend you giving their wares a try.  Make sure you stop and ask them what's in their Black Widow jam.  (HINT:  It's not black widow spiders, but it does have a bite!)

There was one more pleasant surprise waiting for me when I got home from the market.  My Rose of Sharon is finally blooming! 

Hope your day was equally as beautiful,


  1. Hey, those are some BEAUTIFUL tomatoes!

  2. Thanks, Mary Ann. They WERE pretty right up until J. ate them. :-)
