Monday, May 07, 2012

Quick Garden Update

Home again, home again...lickety split!  Even though I had all the best intentions of posting pictures while we were at the Festival, it seems that my Android tablet didn't fully like Blogger's new interface.  Specifically, I couldn't alter the size of pictures.  Phooey!

So, since it's so late and I still have to unpack and re-orient to home life again, I'll finish this post that was supposed to go up on Saturday.  It's a quick look at what's growing in our fledgling garden right now.

Cabbage with a head starting to form?  What's weird is that we have 3 cabbage plants and, while 2 of them look normal like this, the third is twice as big and standing straight up.  I think it might be some kind of freakish, maneating cabbage possibly grown from irradiated seed.  We may see it dancing as it destroys Tokyo later this year.

Something is chomping on my cabbage.  I sprayed them with an organic pest repellent and they do look better, but there's still damage.  Could be slugs.  But I've been unable to locate exactly what's doing it.  If you've got any ideas, let me know please!

Here's one of the beds with the lettuce in the background (coming along nicely), cabbage next to it, and beans (left) and spaghetti squash (right) in the foreground.  I planted some Straight Eight cucumber seeds just to the left of the beans right before we left and we came back to discover that they have already sprouted!

Too bad there's not a blue ribbon for growing weeds.  I'd be a shoe-in!

And, finally, a shot of the onion and strawberry bed, and the potato bins in the background.  And more weeds.  *sigh* 

Well, tomorrow, I have a TON of pictures to share with you from the planting festival, so I hope you'll stop back by and check them out.

Signing off for some much needed shut eye,

Linking up late to the Country Garden Showcase.  Click to see what is goin' on in other folks' gardens this week.

1 comment:

  1. I did the potato tower too and need to add my second course, they have gotten so big! I don't have cabbage but do (did) have collards that overwintered. It was eaten yesterday by a sudden outbreak of worms. We weren't going to eat this old, bolting plant so I plucked it and threw it, worms and all into the chicken yard, serves them right! I can't believe how big the plant was. I had to divide it in 5 sections and drag it down. It had to have been 4 ft tall and about 3 ft wide! Good luck with the cabbage bugs.
