Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Out and About

Just east of Gardner, Kansas. Taken March, 2012.

Once upon a time, I believe this barn was red because you can just see the hint of the remaining red paint hanging on for dear life.  I actually think I like it better this way. 
What do you think?

I'm linked up to this week's Barn Charm hop.  If you're as enchanted by old barns as I am, it's the place to be.  And if you're visiting from the hop, welcome!  Hope you'll sit down, have an ice cold drink and stay a spell.


  1. i prefer barns in this natural state over the bright red ones. i love old weathered wood, even on houses. thanks for stopping by my post and for the info on the caterpillars.

  2. I love the old weathered barns almost as much as red barns! Like the fence in front of this one, too. Great shot!

  3. Welcome to Barn Charm!

    I like red barns, but dark barn wood is probably my favorite, love em, & this is certainly a beautiful ol barn!

    Thank you very much for joining in & linking up to this week's Barn Charm =)

  4. i bet it would be real purdy if it was all red again. great view. (:

  5. Hi, y'all! So glad you stopped by from the barn hop. I've been having fun looking at everyone else's pics - they are gorgeous!
