Monday, April 16, 2012

How Does Your Garden Grow

It's certainly looking like Spring around the ol' urban homestead, so I thought we would take a little tour today to see what Mother Nature has been up to lately.  So put on your sunscreen and your floppy hat and let's go!

Ooooo...our first ever strawberries! I swear I checked one day and there was nothing and then I turn around and there they are the next day.

Looks like there are all kinds of baby plants waking up right now. I never ceased to be amazed that I can put something in the ground and life springs out of it.  Simply amazing and beautiful!

Little baby Sugar Baby watermelon, Contender bush green beans, and spaghetti squash arriving on the scene. These are all new guests for us here at Cranky Puppy Farm this year and they seem to be coming on nicely so far.

The onions we planted last fall seem to be progressing nicely.  I think you're supposed to harvest these when 3/4 of the greens fall over.  All I know if that the necks are huge on these things!  They really like being in bed with the strawberries.

J.'s Early Girl tomatoes that already need to be staked.  These girls already have blooms on them!

And now for my favorite part of the garden....

A close-up of my gorgeous black bearded iris - my favorite flower.   Look at those colors on the inside of the flower and the delicate veining on the petals.  See the shiny specks?  I suspect that's pollen that's been carried out on the fuzzy legs of every-busy bees.  By the way, these flowers are HUGE.  They're about 5 to 6 inches across.

 And, not to be outdone, the Climbing Blaze rose that I planted last year to train up around the door to the coop is going to bloom this year.   We had one of these in our front yard just off our front porch and it was beautiful.  You just have to stay on top of keeping it pruned, because it can quickly become a maneater.

Looks like I may get a bloom later today or tomorrow.  I really need to get out and get this thing trained up and over the arbor over the door to the chicken coop.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the tour today as much as I did.  I can't think of a better way to start off a Monday after a stormy weekend than with sun, fresh air and some of nature's beauty.

How is YOUR garden doing?

We're linked up to this week's Garden LifeBarn Hop #58  and Tuesday Garden Party hops. Go check out what everbody else is doing!


  1. I loved this tour! The beds look great... and the iris is to die for! Where did you get it????

    1. I so wish you could see this iris in person, because the pics don't even begin to capture how beautiful it is. It looks purple in the pic but it's actually darker than that (but not pure black.) I planted it about 8 years ago(?) and if I remember correctly, the cultivar is "Before the Storm" and we bought it at Suburban Lawn and Garden. Schreiner's is a great place to order irises from also and they have it:

  2. Thank you for showing us around! It looks like everything is growing well!

    1. Hi, Clint! Glad you had time to stop by today. You've been a busy bee over there on your blog.
